Di-Gata Defenders Wiki

The Wizard Towers were built after the Battle of Yan-Sumos, meant for the Wizards of Yan to reconnect with the sky.

Though the towers were meant as a place of healing and knowledge, the Wizards installed a number of gun turrets just in case of attack.

Doku's Use[]

An abandoned tower was taken by Doku and his cohorts but they didn't have the necessary codes to operate it. Fortunately for them, Adam had the codes and inputted them one by one. Doku managed to copy the codes to take full control of the tower and sent it to Arboth to harvest its Di-Gata energy.

Using a device called Regenesis, he regenerated his right hand and eye. His further plans were to travel beyond RaDos but that required Di-Gata Defender energy. It just so happened that Seth, corrupted by his Mech-Arm, was the perfect subject. But when Seth realizes what he had done, he reversed the energy flow, restoring Arboth and then smashed the Regenesis device, bringing the tower down to the ground.

Cultist's Use[]

The Defenders follow Rion's dream about the fifth Icon to the Spell Zone, where they are attacked by the Cultists of the Celestial Light. The Cultists stop when they realize Seth has the portal key they require for their Wizard Tower and invites the Defenders to follow them into the realm of the great Creator. Upon activating the Wizard Tower with the key, it takes off into a portal leading to RaDos Prime.

The Cultists take them to the Temple of the Great Creator where the Icon lies, and prepare to sacrifice them. The Defenders steal the Icon and make a break for the tower, only to stop when the tower begins to take off and fires a blast at the Cultists, killing them. Doku reveals himself on a projection to the Defenders, planning to wait for the Defenders to die so he can take the Icon for himself. After the Defenders collapse, he lands the Tower but is surprised to find the Defenders alive in their Prime RaDosian forms. They manage to escape onto the Tower and leave Doku behind as they go through the portal back to RaDos.


  • Nazmul's Keep is a Wizard Tower.

