Di-Gata Defenders Wiki

Tzur is a giant two-faced rock golem, that lived in the temple that Rion was training in before he met the Defenders.


He was the only family Rion had during his training. His first face is on his stomach and appeared monstrous, speaking in a deep voice. The second one was on the head and had a caring face, speaking in a soft voice.

He tells the Defenders about the Shift Stone's purpose, and where they need to go to open the portal to get Kara out. He also gives the guardian stone containing Arvengus to Rion, telling him to "use it when the time comes".


While the Zads attacked the temple, Tzur creates a portal to allow the Defenders to escape to the Yin-Tos Ridge. But because of the portal's size, Tzur isn't able to fit inside of it.

Tzur sacrificed himself at the hands of the Zad and their Ethos stones so the others could escape. Before the Defenders escaped, Rion was traumatized by the loss and eventually revealed his dark incarnation power to kill one of the Zad and cause the others to retreat in fear.


  • His species is known as the Al-Tzur-Ra.
  • He always had Arvengus, but was instructed not to give it to Rion until a certain point.